Start your own link directory website with confidence. Unlimited categories, subcategories, and links, secure forms, header and footer template files, CSS based, Link Ranking System, Admin: approve links and categories, delete links and categories, view and manage all links.... Read more
This is a Directory Management Program.It has UI based utility to update, modify, delete link.Visit / click counting of all links in the webpage.This script is simple andeasy to install.
CommercialVersion: 2
Platform: Linux, Windows
Updated Date: 11 Feb, 2010
A PHP/MySQL directory script for easy link management. Create search engine friendly directories in minutes with a professional looking frontend and powerful time-saving administrative backend. The software provides both free and paid versions.
CommercialVersion: 4
Platform: Linux, Sun Solaris, FreeBSD
Updated Date: 16 Mar, 2010
eSyndiCat is a full featured software that can be used as an addition to your existing site or as a stand-alone platform. Using eSyndiCat Directory Software your website can achieve top rank and take the leading positions in the most popular search engines! You can choose both free and paid versions... Read more