Starting from the classic flip, this real 3D gallery allows in a same time flip on X, Y axis (and Z too) with multi rotation as wished.
* Flip on each axes
* Real 3D: papervision library
* Lots of customized settings: fully XML driven and easily customized
* AS3 Full OOP programming
* Allow jpg, gif, png and swf
* Allow transparency
* Unlimited pictures
* Autoplay
* Preloader for each picture
* Settings you can change from the XML :
* size, autoplay, delay for autoplay, flip on click or not, rotation for each axis, speed, blur, rotation on mouse move. You can set as many text as you want from xml
for each, you can set: background color and alpha, position and maximum width for automatic newline
* allow html format, so you can set a list, bold, italic, underline, color, size, font, ... Well documented and illustrated pdf explained step by step
* Contens package FLA file, as3 library, xml file, preview file, pdf documentation |