This 3D product viewer besides giving a great 3D effect to style your website, it’s a really helpfull tool to present packagings and folders. Enhance your presentation and impress your clients with a professionnal 3d presentation of your products or design projects. Fully customizable with many rotation modes (as drag’n’drop or autoplay), many zoom modes and lots of settings you can change to make of this 3D product viewer what you are looking for.
This item hold the four 3D product viewer
BOX : to show 6-sides box, from shoes to dvd box.
TUBE : to present cylinder-shaped box as cans, spices pot,...
CARD : to show double-sided card as postcard, invitation,...
FOLDER : to present folded piece of paper (with as many folds you want) like maps, advertising leaflet,...
furthermore your designs could be displayed in a customizable gallery.
* Real 3D: papervision library
* Lots of customized settings: fully XML driven and easily customized
* AS3 Full OOP programming
* Allow jpg, gif, png and swf
* Allow transparency
* Preloader
* Unlimited items
* Well documented pdf explained step by step
* Contens package FLA file, as3 library, xml file, preview file, pdf documentation
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Philippe van Dalem. This script listing has been viewed 2261 times so far.
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