This is an advanced panning/zooming application. It can either load image files (jpg, png, gif) or interactive swf files.
It comes with 3 types of panning/zooming controls, each one with its own features:
First one has directional panning arrow buttons, zoom reset button (in the middle) & horizontal zooming slider with /- buttons
Second one has a vertical zooming slider with /- buttons
Last one has directional panning arrow buttons & a zooming slider with /- button
Optionally you can enable the sliding buttons: the one at the bottom for horizontal panning & the one at the right for vertical panning.
Two more panning options are available besides using the panning buttons: mouse click and drag or mouse move based panning, settable inside the xml file.
Also mouse wheel zooming is available; with the specification that it will zoom in the point with the mouse x/mouse y coordinates which can be very useful.
Initial position of the loaded image/swf can be specified via xml configuration.
Minimum zoom, maximum zoom, initial zoom, view port width/height, sliding and zooming step values, image smoothing or controls box position/visibility are also configurable in the xml file.
Select either Image or SWF and see the 3 examples.
NOTE: Image files are limited to a maximum size of 2880 x 2880 pixels under flash. Images above those dimensions will not display or will be cut off
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Emanuel Giurgea. This script listing has been viewed 3651 times so far.
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